Saturday, April 4, 2020


That’s a wrap on filming folks. It went along much more smoothly than I anticipated. This was difficult to schedule since my sister has med-school work from early in the morning to about 8:30pm (yes she really works that long it’s blasphemous), and her bedtime is a little after midnight so we really had to be as productive as possible within this time crunch. My sister and I had the giggles for a while, but we were able to get down to business and film the entire opening within the span of a few hours.

For the first part where Krystal is getting ready in the bathroom, I wanted to emphasize her exhaustion through the makeup design. Using eyeshadow, I added on to my actress’ pre-existing eye bags. The makeup may seem a bit harsh but it was necessary for it to be visible on camera. Here is a before and after:

I had some issues regarding the lighting in the bedroom where I was filming because the light bulbs in my house have a strong yellow hue that are not visually appealing to me. I decided I could solve this through color-correcting in post-production, since I do not have any lamps in my house large enough to provide a better lighting source. The short monologue of Krystal introducing her character also took us a while because my actress kept making boo boos and I also wanted to shoot from various angles.

However, on the bright side my sister and I actually had fun filming this project! Yay quality sister bonding time teehee. I plan to compile my clips and get my brother’s audio recordings first thing next week!

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