Friday, April 9, 2021

The gram has been made!

I finally created the instagram account and went for a simple username @fightingforchangedoc because the title of my documentary, fightingforchange was takenšŸ˜canā€™t blame the person though itā€™s a great phrase. I decided to go through with the simple, brown aesthetic I mentioned a few weeks back. My first few posts are meant to engage my target audience with quotes and visuals representing the BLM movement, and I may post stills or the title screen of my docuseries in order to promote the actual series better. I made it a business account so I could have the word ā€œmovieā€ under the account name, I thought it was a nice touch. A business account would also allow me to view specific insights relating to my audience and when theyā€™re most active, which could be helpful for future postings. I donā€™t have followers right now since Iā€™m still playing around with the layout of the future posts, but I will start promoting the account on my personal instagram and sharing it with friends and family members! Iā€™m pretty content with how it looks right now - I included a link with many BLM resources in order to encourage viewers of the page to get involved. I will replace this link with the link to my actual docuseries excerpt when the time comes, so people have easy access to it. Thatā€™s all for today, Iā€™m just gonna keep making these posts on Canva until the page feels more complete!

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Critical Reflection Essay

The docuseries, Fighting for Change, aims to educate audiences about the racial injustice faced by local communities and the steps that can ...